
To those saying “Tech Changes”. I’m fine with that when the change is an improvement. This is not an improvement. A set of headphones is made of speakers, wires and a connector. Sometimes they also include an amp or crossover. Changing the connector to a propitiatory style isn’t improvement, it’s an effort to control

The floppy disk comparison is so dumb and the fact that it keeps getting used willy-nilly is so dumb. What exactly are the improvements in audio performance that’s anywhere near comparable to the improvements that CD drives and flash drives offer over the floppy disk?

This is such a ridiculous train of thought. What possible audio benefits would this change confer over a headphone jack? When we moved from floppy disks to CDs, it provided a large increase in storage capabilities, but there is no great shift here. It’s just Apple and others trying to milk more money out of

If you don’t understand why people are upset then you don’t really comprehend the issue.

I’m sitting here at work right now charging my phone AND listening to a podcast. Will I no longer be able to do that at the same time?

While I’m not at all surprised that Apple is making a product more closed and proprietary, Android manufacturers better not follow suit. Motorola is already doing it, and I hope they fall flat on their asses as an example to others. I’m not spending hundreds of dollars to replace my headphones and I have no interest

No headphone jack, no sale.

Isn’t Danerys Jon’s auntie?

There is no more complete lack of self-awareness around these days than Hillary supporters talking about entitlement. You guys are as obnoxious and clueless as Reagan hagiographers.

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

Or, more simply, it doesn’t look very funny and mediocre reboots are becoming exhausting.

Please answer me this. Why does anyone have to have a gay or lesbian character in their story? Does a character’s sexuality even matter in a story like Star Wars?

What if I want to plug in my phone and listen to headphones?

The end of carrier subsidies has hurt Apple. I know that the carriers still have installment plans, but when you got to pay an additional $30-40 bucks a month per phone it adds up. I wonder if the upgrade cycle will be closer to three years instead of two.

UX/UI design should be like a joke, if you have to explain it, it just isn't any good at that point.

No, but will the PS4 play PS2 games? Or the multitude of PC exclusives that outnumber the entire playstation catalogue?

How about instead of buying another $400+ console, you:

And #10: not need a safe space if someone does not agree with your views.

“We’ve reached out to Best Buy for comment on this hilarious matter.”

You have never bought unlocked phone off a contract before, have you?