
wow I just read through comments, and there are alot of haters here... just be smart about it this isn't for everybody.

Agreed, but I'm scared to put my Galaxy Nexus in the sink so Instead I prop it up against the tile wall, same basic effect Just not quite as much amplification; but I'll take the trade off.

I"m sure I didn't, lol I'm at work, have always had issues commenting when I'm not logged in; it was meant to be a general comment. I'm no Microsoft lover, but just in general I think its funny when people are mad at companies for Making money. granted there are ethics and so forth so we can all still get mad at

I always like reading comments from people who are so offended that a company would dare charge for its products, or try and make money.

to be fair, I would say people who use Linux are more tech savvy than both, for me; it would be windows/ubuntu for my desktop and osx for my laptop. That way you can get the best of all three and don’t have to worry about being a blind fan boy of any of them. Doing so means you can just sit back and laugh at all the

"You may say that the $100M lawsuit against HTC didn't gain them anything, but it did. It is now more expensive for HTC to make Android phones, as they are paying Microsoft protection money to do so. "

I rock between 5 to 6 GB, but I listen to pandora/google music all day at my desk, and our "open" wifi doesn’t quite reach it, I have it until I walk through the door to my department, then it fades away. outside of that, I dont use hardly any data on my phone, and if I had wifi at my desk would probably use less

for me its just that I'll never buy a pre built desktop, Laptop sure, but those are not as easy to build yourself. that and Dell has gone south in the last decade; I built (well ordered and configured) a Dell Dimension 8200 for my friend in 2001, He's still using the thing; but I can’t count on two hands how many

true, but that assuming that this rig is using a 50 mobo, when in reality its probably closer to 150, especially if their trying to eak max performance with small size, they would have to spend more on a better mobo.

yeah I'm on launcher 7 as well, its pretty nice, you can kind of get the best of both worlds, I've also replaced the dialer, sms contacts and music player so that they match it pretty well, because I love the open architecture of Android, but love the minimal metro ui look of WP7

I’m on the Samsung Fascinate running JT's Vanilla gingerbread 2.3.5 EC09

I've yet to experience this issue,

agreed, Best Buy has become a waste of space, there such a rip off, I cant remember the last time I actually bought something from them.

Nope not news, more like a silent lament; uttered silently under my breath.

Apparently those who enforce the rules don’t have to abide by them...

ooooo I miss spelled a word! please, banish me from the realm that is Gawker Media!!!!

I havn't been on Facebook much the last few days, but i was already using the developer build, I like it but it definatly takes some getting used to.

It looks like they might be getting on rooting like Apple is on Jailbreaking, maybe it was a Freudian slip?

I've always thought of webOS when I thought of Homebrew, especially since we’re talking about phones and Sony makes Android phones, so they would fall under the "rooting" category

honeslty like the black bar, I dont see why they need to change it.