Wild Card

Hi, Mr. Ergodan!

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

You don’t want Trump to resign. Every day he’s in office is more damage to the republican party and another day nothing on their agenda is getting done.

Death comes in infinities.

An asshole is not a brilliant visionary just because a toilet has a bottomless appetite for what comes out of it.

Came here to specifically mention Scalia. Nice.

Waterboarded to death by pissing Russian prostitutes.

Don’t let dumbass Ronald Reagan off the hook for helping to have the Fairness Doctrine repealed which allowed assholes like Ailes to thrive. The damage these dead fuckers have done will never be repaired.

Ailes was a slurry pond with legs, and his death should be sung to the high heavens. He and Scalia are two of the only people whose deaths I celebrate

I’m sad only because we won’t get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.

This absolutely does not make up for Chris Cornell.

I can already tell 2020 is going to be a tight race

The Civil War was about more than slavery

“Some of those men were fighting for their homes, where they were born and raised”

It’s not conservatives. It’s human nature. We’re still deeply and innately tribalistic in nature (which is part of why any large-scale social structure inevitably falls apart). When we can’t find a ‘them’ that isn’t ‘us,’ we create a ‘them’ from anyone who doesn’t meet with our definition of ‘us’ — usually through the

Yes, there’s infighting on the democratic side.

You forgot to punctuate your post with “wake up, sheeple”

Hmm...the casual racists are at odds with the hardcore racists. Since I don’t have a dog in that race, I’m going with Giant Meteor hitting wherever they happen to be.

Conservatives are masters of self-victimization. Remove enough liberals/moderates and they will naturally divide into factions of blame.