Seth Cock

I know this doesn't make it okay, but I was blackout drunk when I wrote this shit. I've only come across it today. Just wanted to apologize for even typing it, it was some ridiculously stupid stuff. Really sorry everybody. I do this shit a lot

I'm just saying that I don't care about peoples' pain and suffering and I don't care about Dr. Dre's music

As far as mainstream horror movies go, Sinister was great. I'M SAYIN IT! WHITE PEOPLE BE LIKE THIS, BLACK PEOPLE BE LIKE "FUCK SINISTER 2!"

But he was close to it. There's a mindset that's difficult to replicate. I don't think he should be forgiven for violence, but at the same time violence is so common, in this group, near poverty, that it doesn't really have an analogue in mainstream culture. I think violence is actually normal - maybe that's a

I know that sounds weird in the context of say a middle-class person, but it's really not for people, I think, who live in poor situations and drink

I think that we've gotten kinda used to the "anomaly" of violence, which is weird, considering everybody's (I assume) experience with it. Maybe this is just weird to me, but I don't think getting thrown down stairs or punched in the face is that big a deal.

I agree with Almighty here. This whole thing seems like a weird whitewashing of violence. Or indebted to internet culture: anyone who commits violence, at any time, is THE WORST PERSON, while the commenters are probably the kind of people who date-rape others.

Anyway, everyone gets beat up sometimes. It's good for the soul

It was for art. You don't get it.

I think it's an annoying question because it invariably depends on "it depends…" People argue about the medium all the time - video games obviously can be art, like movies are art, but there's a difference between Big Red Dicks XXX and Apocalypse Now vs. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Angry Birds. It's not a

I think it's easier to appreciate a shitty human who happens to be an artist if they're dead. Other than that, I can usually forgive a living artist if their crimes aren't too heinous and they aren't too bad an artist

You guys ever killed a dog? On an unrelated note, I think it's still stupid for people to equate an artist's life with their work. Of course Dr. Dre is a piece of shit. Does that make the Chronic less worth listening to? LET'S DEBATE!

Ha yeah we might've strayed off point…

Are we arguing about anything? The pleasures of punk? That sounds like a weird romance novel. What's your point? You don't like PiL's early albums?

That's hard to argue with, because that's one of the greatest songs of all time. It depends entirely on the version of the Clash's debut. But for me, regardless, London Calling is still a better album, and probably one of the best albums of all time. But (White Man) In Hammersmith is such a good song it's worth

Well, PiL had at least 2 great albums in them. Paul Cook lasted plenty of time, so I don't have too much sympathy


Session 9, Session 9. No better horror film since I don't know what. Hello…Gordon. What else do you want to know? The endings are always irrelevant compared with the atmosphere.

I work as a cook. If I have to hear another motherfucker describe a philly cheesesteak or a fuckin calamari sausage as "too acidic," or "not lessened of gluten-enough", I will murder a child and that child will deserve it because otherwise they will be born into a culture made of lunatics. While I'm on the internet,