
Hop Out Lads, Damn Engine’s kNackered

“it will bare the apple’s snowflake logo”
Come on!

Somebody say “joint”?

“If you’re got ‘puter problems, I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems but a Mac ain’t one”

I bet there are more than a few that regretted it. A certain NVidia chipset comes to mind...

Reduced from €500. Nice condition, low mileage, roadworthy, taxes paid (yearly tax is €358). Comes with half a tank of gas (that’s another €35 worth). Economical. Does the ton.
Just got an online quote of €3000 for 3rd Party, Fire & Theft cover, or €2700 for full cover.
There are hundreds of good vehicles like this for

Excel? Luxury! When I was a nipper we used to create our vector anime in emacs. Well, my classmates used emacs. I was always more of a vi man. Youngsters these days.. pfft

Y’all have too much spare time to be going over and over this.
Just don’t make sushi casserole!


Yep, that was frickin’awesome

“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed”

Biggest mistake they made was not continuing the development of Symbian / Meego. They had a head-start on the whole smartphone thing so many years before and totally blew it with bad decisions (biggest was appointing Elop as CEO in 2010).

So, ya heat up a piece of plastic and it bends easily. Who knew?

Those of us that have flown RyanAir refer to it as SwineAir, or Cryin’Air.


What are ya, crazy?
Hyacynthoides non-scripta - even has ‘blue’ in the name!



*Something about white lab coats protecting the wearer (and all bystanders) from experiments, including explodey ones*

What? What do you mean? An African or a European swallow?