So the big topic of a Republican Senatorial candidate embroiled in a sex scandal will end with a Democratic Senator being forced to resign. Like clockwork.
So the big topic of a Republican Senatorial candidate embroiled in a sex scandal will end with a Democratic Senator being forced to resign. Like clockwork.
“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”
Fuck Trump voters. A few of my fellow Liberal friends always criticize me for my hateful attitude towards them and other bigots. Saying I should be try to be nice to them and win over their hearts and minds. Fuck that. It’s not my job. I’m no therapist. Some act like I’m worse than Richard Spencer because I would…
“Single Female Layer, fighting for her client. Wearing sexy miniskirts and being self reliant!”
When I hear rich people bitch about taxes, I can’t even fathom it. I’m proud that my taxes go to things that my fellow patriots need, like Obamacare, and I guarantee that the dollars coming out of my paycheck mean a lot more to me than the dollars from their... paychecks? Estate taxes? Whatever you call the taxes rich…
She has to fuck Steve Mnuchin. She’s paying in her own way.
Wtf is wrong with everyone in this administration and public service? First Zinke’s wife is live-tweeting their exotic Greek vacation and now Linton is bragging about her private taxpayer expensed jet and designer clothes? He’s worth $500 million but couldn’t pay for a private jet or 1st class but had to ride off…
Boy, it sure is a good thing we don’t have a gun problem in this country.
I was pretty sure our state was going to be on the voter information denial list, since Washington’s been quite willing to push back against this administration, but I’m glad to see it confirmed. I wish the number was higher than 22, but that’s a pretty good response after one day.
So defunding PP is improving peoples lives? What a crock of shit. I hate them all of them.
This is probably the most egregious of the videos of a police shooting that I have watched—holy shit. To me, the footage the girlfriend shot didn’t tell us anything because it was taken after the shooting, but I don’t get how you could see this dashcam footage and not go manslaughter. This was really really bad and…
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckityfuck.
Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.
I just saw the footage a little while ago, and I just feel sick. How terrifying are black men in the average persons mind? Just how pathologized is blackness that this very calm and polite man could be murdered after just a few brief seconds? It’s horrifying. I honestly don’t know what I can do that won’t make it even…
Be honest. You get a sick thrill from being roasted in comments sections, don’t you?
Have you read the Bible? It’s full of sex.
What a weird comment.
Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.