
But could his ratings become so low he’s cancelled or replaced by Seth Meyers? I just can’t stand this guy, never have been able to. I’m glad to know he might read this and cry.

What kills me the most about these deportations every Republican administration is how cruel and pointless it is. If they really wanted to end illegal immigration they’d put a single fucking employer in jail for employing immigrants without authorization to work in the US. All this does is scapegoat poor people who

Clearly no woman who wants to ever have a baby should be so heartless as to ask a company for a job.


I hate gay dating in a world where this show exists. Whenever I ask a guy what shows he likes and he’s like “The Real Housewives of...” I just stop him there, walk away and never look back.

So it’s not appropriate for a woman to be in the men’s restroom but it is appropriate to yell “Fuck” in front of children and start a fist fight with their parent? Makes perfect sense to me. Utah sounds great.

Queue up “Schadenfreude” from Avenue Q.

So had an article that was like “In Germany you can’t have an abortion after 12 weeks so there!” and they left out that they have comprehensive sex ed - none of this abstinence-only crap - that women can get abortions at all health clinics and not special “abortion clinics” that can be hours away from