
Facebook "Places" makes it even more effortless to open yourselves up to unwanted contact with unsavory types! Too lazy to share with the world the fact you're not home? Have your friends do it for you!

Hopefully the buyers will introduce a refreshed corporate identity. I can't believe a company worth millions has kept that goofy ms paint logo.

My school dumbed down a new shipment of iMacs to 10.5 so they could run AutoDesk Maya 2008. The iMacs had a lot of trouble, overheating, failing to go to sleep...I can't imagine what Tiger on a new iMac would do.

@IN THE FACE!: Am I missing something? the amazon page says it has a automated document feeder.

Sorry, you're not wasting my beer on wasps.

Why bother putting a tiny bit of blur on that at all? Your titles are "XBOX GAMES", and you have Halo 2, Call of Duty - World at War, Don't Fear the Dark, Splinter Cell Double Agent, etc.

until they make to where u cant just turn off ur xbox and not take the loss, i call BS on this

That looks pretty horrendous.

the only reason i bought a next gen console was for games like halo, GTA4 so on and so on, most people (like me) buy they're hardware way before the launch date is even announced in anticipation, its ignorant to say that games like this didn't move consoles, do they expect us to buy a new 360 or ps3 every time a new

yeah me to lolz

Sweet! Thanks!

kinda what my pjs look like

no age of conan for me

i recently quit but i might start again just cuz of snake, im actually gonna get a fox hound tattoo when i finish this game

you id prolly do this for free, is that sad?

I think you mean arcane, not archaic.

There's a command in one of the menus that downloads all missing artwork (that it can find).

"Detoxify your system." Yeah, that's really scientific and accurate.

I don't know about stealing privacy, but I certainly won't be entering my bank account information *anywhere* except at my bank's web site.

Uh, I hope he encrypts those documents first.