If we knew a male teacher has kids, we can’t have him teaching either, because now everyone will wonder how well his saggy balls worked.
If we knew a male teacher has kids, we can’t have him teaching either, because now everyone will wonder how well his saggy balls worked.
We can’t have any pregnant teachers in the classroom because the boys can sit there and imagine what their teacher did to get pregnant.
A hearty fuck-you to the men who decided to display this picture in full during her disciplinary hearing.
I guess all things are possible with parental consent? I know my mom would have done all sorts of crazy shit to get my self esteem up at 12 were it in her power, even if a doctor said the results would be limited. The tween years send parents into panic spirals, too.
As far as Mika songs that aren’t “Grace Kelly” go, I’ve heard it played fewer times than I’ve heard “Love Today.”
I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but it was definitely a hit in my house - if you like what Mika’s selling that whole first album is pretty great.
I haven’t heard Mika since college and he’s an inspired choice for this gag.
“it’s just a joke, relax” - signed everyone who is not a straight white man and had to endure this type of shit characterization for decades everywhere
That’s actually where I saw the original “What Women Want” on a flight when I was way too young to get most of the jokes. One of the few scenes that I remember was when he broke up with Marisa Tomei’s character and I was like “whhyyyyy?”
I wonder if some movies are made purely with the intent to be watched in the economy section of a United flight.
He’s been in a contentious divorce for the last 2-3 years so I’m guessing he’s either referring to his marriage/family imploding.
He quit in 2002. Apparently he was told that if he hadn’t quit, he would have been fired anyways. TMZ are assholes. I wish this site would stop giving them web traffic.
I didn’t know he was Jewish. My New Year has been ruined by this realization. Stephen Miller is a weasel and, as Andy Cohen would say, “bad for the Jews.”
Problem with a hanging notice is that people won’t read it. Espiecally not the parents of young children because they are contantly overwhelmed and inwardly focused. The motto of the parents of young children generally seems to be “fuck your rules, I have kids to take care of and therefore am more important.”
Not to be all Lena about it, but if my ex immediately started dating a model, it would fuck with my self-esteem big time.
lol sure...
Wait. I’m confused.
I have liked most Tarantino movies, but what happened to Sharon Tate is perhaps the most horrific violence against a woman imaginable and I see absolutely no need to put it up on the big screen. I am not on board.
Literally everything about this movie is, “Ugh, THIS asshole again.”