
Does anybody know the song that Canada’s Osmond used in her performance? I Googled but can’t find anything for this Women’s Short. Is it Edith Piaf?

It’s because their chemistry is insane. I feel like they look at each other and it’s like ‘let’s get this ON’

I didn’t know I could get turned on during a Hotel California instrumental, but Virtue/ Moir managed to make it VERY sexy.

They have that “something”. You can’t buy it, you can’t train it, you got it or you don’t. They got it.

Yup, you missed it. No Costas this year. NBC is trying to groom the next gen, and I am OK with that. Don’t get me wrong, I think Costas is a good host/commentator/etc, but it is time for something new. Leslie Jones as an addition for commentary is a great step.

Seriously they are amaaaaazing. I also swear that when you look at him off the ice he’s like, a pleasant looking guy and then weirdly sexy on the ice.

I’m a huge sucker for the Olympics. Until today, I didn’t know there was such a thing as snowboard slope, but I watched the qualifiers this morning and the finals tonight like I’d been waiting for it my whole life. I’m about an hour behind NBC Primetime right now. Where is Bob Costas? Did I miss that he’s not coming

I think they are held up to a standard that will eventually be beaten. Maybe not this go-round (although I do like the Shib Sibs), but soon.

Now playing

I’m new to knowing about the two of them (apparently they had a reality tv show about training for sochi?) but they’ve been dancing with each other since they were 7 and 10 years old! Their ice dances from when they were children are crazy good:

I think it’s time to break the ICE.


“libtard” is one of those disgusting slurs that instantly causes me to stop giving a damn about whatever point a person is trying to make. Do you actually hate mentally disabled people, or are you a 16 year old trying to be edgy? Try to elevate the discussion a bit, you might find it more satisfying.

Jack-booted thugs going door to door, demands of complete obedience in law enforcement agencies, and a federal legislative body set to release a completely fabricated propaganda memo that will absolve a “completely innocent Dear Leader” tomorrow.

It does, and they’re needlessly complicated - not at all intuitive. It could be much simpler.

Mila Kunis had legs.