
indiscreet youth

“Only attacks dogs who...?” How many dogs has her vigilante dog attacked? Did he have a little cape?

Translation: he’s having trouble finding work.

Being able to read, thank you, Edelstein, and having done so thoroughly, I now feel the need to take a scalding shower to wash off the residue of your general creepiness. You, sir, are entirely and unadulteratedly creepy.

Right??? So gross! She was, what, 10 or 11 back then??? Ew, ew, ewwwwww.

What a fucknut. No David, it’s not out of bounds to discuss the attractiveness of an actor in a review (unless the actor in question is 11 years old like Watson was, you sick fuck). But it is out of line to carry on about it for the entire fucking review, all the while making extra creepy statements like how Israeli

Uhhh... how did he still have a job as a movie reviewer after that Emma Watson comment???

You forgot one of the most influential baby groups of all time:

I assume it’s just the way our brains are wired. I still think about awkward things I’ve said and did that happened years ago, sometimes decades ago. I really wish I could find a way to let things go because I think I’d be a lot happier for it.

Guess you could say his rescuing skills are en pointe.

You’d never expect that those 2 brothers wrote a song called “Don’t Look Back in Anger”

Oh man, I skipped reading that review when it was posted because the headline seemed to summarize it well enough. I did not realize how much I was missing.

I’ll just add this photo of the original piece’s author:

They do realize pregnancy is much more expensive than birth control, right? Even if your only interest in monetary, it’s better to have it covered.

You can bet big bux that Big-Gov-Republican-controlling-what-women-do-with-their-own-bodies Veep Pence has his fingerprints all over this decision. It’s guaranteed.

I love a royal beef.

I’m so happy to hear this. Marie Antoinette is seriously my favorite movie & I’ve made everyone I know watch it at least once with me.

Mississippi person here. As to Gov. Phil “Black Phillip from The VVitch” Bryant and his tweets, statements, comments to the press, etc. on a daily basis, let me just say, this statement is mild. You just have no idea, and be glad you don’t have to.

Is the reason no women are mentioned in this report just that the victims haven’t been publicly identified yet? It’s interesting to me that the important news here seems to be that a law enforcement officer died, not a family.