
But I respect the fact that he always listens. It’s how he was in business. It’s how he is as president.

Please don’t denigrate weasels by comparing them to the Trumps.

She’s a weasel.

All the circuits, including the Seventh, ruled the opposite way decades ago. The Seventh is the first to reverse their precedent on the ground that it never really ever made sense in the first place.

AP style is numerals - 7th, 11th, etc.

Unlike a legislature, courts can only make decisions about the specific facts of the lawsuit in front of them. A lesbian filed this lawsuit, so the court issued an opinion about the rights of lesbians.

Lgbtnews and pink news seemed to think it would cover us. Lambda Legal is known for representing us, too.

Same. And I’ve never understood the people here that hate her.

That interview with Matt Lauer was the first time I realized he was an unmitigated scumbag.

1. I never got the hatred. I’ve always found her charming, although she really should have rethought that pink dress at the Oscars that was years ago and who hasn’t made a tragic fashion mistake?!

I think this is it entirely - it’s like it got to the point where she was too eager about her job and everyone went, “woah woah woah, we have to cut her down a bit.” She strikes me as a grown up theater kid, still geeky and loving her projects in a way nobody else understands. As a former theater kid, I felt for her.

I have three young boys, and we decided to forego flights before the birth of our third. It’s just too much of a pain. F-ing car seats, strollers, tantrums, diapers, potty breaks, tantrums, “no!”, running, “I don’t want to...”, tantrums.

Yeah so not kicked off but... my then girlfriend, now Wife, and I were on a plane coming back from vacation. It was a 3 hour flight and we both must have ate something that was not settling well with us. We were both letting off stinkers left and right. Now I though it was just me creating this stink and she thought

I was on a flight once where someone had diarrhea and would get up to go to the lavatory every 15 minutes or so. The whole plane smelled like literal shit. BUT mostly everyone sort of understood and were sympathetic, but damn if that wasn’t the worst flight ever...

That’s why I travel with a therapy dog.

As others have stated, this was already addressed in the landmark Supreme Court case of Smelt it v. Dealt it

No one would admit to detecting it in the first place. He who smelt it, dealt it.

It would have to be severe flatulence that would make others ill. There would likely be an ambulance waiting for you at the gate.

Has any reader seen someone kicked off a plane for farting? I’d like to hear about it. I’m sure the culprit would deny it and the evidence, while recirculating in the cabin, would be tough to pin on someone.

Has any reader seen someone kicked off a plane for farting? I’d like to hear about it. I’m sure the culprit would deny it and the evidence, while recirculating in the cabin, would be tough to pin on someone.