
1. There are plenty of countries where women are treated far better than in the States.

I didn’t take her speech that way at all. She seemed very sincere and nearly overwhelmed to me.

I like where she’s coming from, but I can’t help thinking this is misguided. The majority of people who hear this song on the commercial aren’t going to know about her reasons for allowing the use of the song so it will just serve to further normalize a hateful company. More so Chick-fil-a most certainly believed

This quote is everything:

Don’t you remember?

HR is NEVER, EVER your friend. Go in there with a strategy!

Translation: “we’re covering our ass and getting ready to throw someone under the bus and alerting our lawyers.”

Having her name published in this article will have the same effect. Only companies that value gender equity will look past it, and even some that do won’t hire her because she’s already a “troublemaker”.

It’s even creepier than that. I’m sure Uber has some sort of HR policy on outside work communications being held through back channels that aren’t approved through HR. This HR flunkie, instead of looking into her complaints, was instead looking for violations that Fowler could be written up for.

Exactly. I’m sure many of us saw this coming a mile away...he loves the crowds, he loves being told how wonderful he is, he loves the idea of being powerful, but he does not love actually having to work for it. That is the job of peasants.

Trump’s blatant narcissism is so all-consuming that he can’t handle the realities of his new job - all that responsibility, all that criticism - so he’s going to try and relieve his ‘glory days’ on the campaign trail.

You can only shock so many White House staffers with a wierd, Eric Carle-like penis. Sometimes you just gotta get out there

The scandal is truly that the American people found out about it.


As I Jew, I speak for all the sane Jews*, when I say we fucking hate Miller, Kushner, and Ivanka. Fuck them and allowing themselves to be used as tokens. Fuck them and how they misrepresent our values to the world. Fuck them for providing anti-semitism a voice.

It does run in his family and he is certainly at the right age for it. But, I’m not really sure what the difference would be between what would be his normal behavior and alzhiemers symptoms.

I like you, MI, but that sounds disgusting! (I can’t get past the American cheese) I hope you enjoyed it at least.


I’m just here to high five this article. And you!

i think there’s a correlation between money spent on a wedding and the probability that it ends in divorce. obviously i don’t have data to back this up, (since it’s 2017 and that shit apparently doesn’t matter anyway) but to me, spending a lot of money on an extravagant wedding has always come off as over-compensating