
Whoa—they’re dismantling SCHIP? What the fuck

This is infuriating. Mitch McConnell is the worst kind of politician. He literally has no belief system except what will give him more power. He consistently wins in Kentucky (despite being WILDLY unpopular) because he is able to fundraisers from corporations like crazy and people in my soon to be failure of a state

That’s how Wisconsin has been operating since we opened for business under Walker. Now the whole US gets a taste of just how fucked we’ve been here.

What animals come out at night? Rats and cockroaches. They don’t like to be seen so darkness covers them. Republicans are the same.

I hope every single person who is happy about this bankrupts over medical bills and I hope it’s because of their children. I hope they have to decide whether to save their child or their house. I mean it.

What’s up with all of the middle of the night shenanigans?!

I. Am. Furious.

I’m (semi) unfairly directing like 90% of my rage about this at one particular friend who has cardiomyopathy (heart failure) and whose husband is a POS Trump voter and who is just constantly like “Oh I just don’t care about politics” and I am like YOU WILL DIE. YOU. YOU. WILL. DIE. HOW DO YOU NOT CARE.

They also voted to include CHIP in the dismantling of the ACA. You know, healthcare for kids. #PROLIFEMYASS

I called Pat Toomey (the one whose staffer hung up on the woman for saying vagina) and his staffer told me “don’t be so aggressive” and that Toomey “had a plan”. When I asked for details he told me he didn’t have them and that this was “part of the process” for making insurance “actually affordable”. So if everyone

“If you ain’t rich, you don’t deserve to be alive,” - The Republican viewpoint.

It is entirely heartless and sociopathic. They are literally signing death warrants. I don’t know how you can so removed from reality that you think getting rid of people’s health insurance is a good idea.

I’m so fucking angry. My parents were finally able to afford healthcare for the first time since we lost our house during the housing crisis. ACA obviously has problems, but the solution has never been snatching away healthcare from people who desparately need it.

I really wish these two would have entered a relationship if only to spare the rest of the dating pool having to deal with them. They both seem like a lot of work.

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

All the stars, to you from me, Pinky Lee.

Seriously. I know we’re supposed to be focusing on Fiennes as Michael right now, but all I want to talk about it how awesome Channing looks as Liz. Purrrrfect.

There are worse things she could do.

YES PLEASE. I think the world just needs more Stockard Channing. PERIOD.