SessoMatto (Yes, I'm really fun at parties.)

Bullshit. The “help” lives outside the city and takes BART or the bus to work. The “help” has never been able to afford SF, not even back inthe ‘90s before it all went sideways in the first place. The rich get richer, and the poor continue to scramble. Now even the east bay is becoming unaffordable.

I’m relieved to hear that you’ll still be around! I love this site. I have learned a lot here, and had a lot of laughs. Thank you, Kevin.

A fair number of drivers apparently think so too. Why are there so many puds?!

That was a fascinating read, thanks!

And her eyes are defying humanity. That’s how it works!

Exactly. It’s like those puds who buy used Crown Vics and trick them out like fake cop cars. That shit is SCARY in its damned obviousness.

I know this history about the old classifications. And I’m nobody nowhere. I am certain she has done plenty of research and been briefed. The dancing pic seems very joyful and honest to me.

I was on the JV Drinking Games team!

Whoops, I replied to the OP instead of you. Yes, it’s real. 

Yes, it’s real. Debbie Harry in 1988 in the movie Hairspray appears to have been the inspiration for this lewk.

FWIW, that shit is still illegal in Germany.

I think she knows exactly what she is doing and is carrying it off brilliantly. As MrsMoon mentioned above, this is really the same kind of thing she’s been advocating forever. (She addressed the UN, dontcha know!)

OMG his HAIR, tho!!! Won’t someone please think of the EDGES?!

UGH I knew it as soon as I saw the first few lines of this post!

Chicago is pretty amazing. Give it a go if you get the chance! Tons of awesome food, music, art... great people, cool public transit. Home of house music and Chicago pizza. Great Gayborhood. Weather is iffy, but the rest of it is top notch! If you’re into art, most of the galleries tend to have openings on the same

Well then, since it’s a Thing, maybe just look out for them?

Lil’ Nas X!

What I want to know is what were they bumpin. Hopefully it was Lil’ Nas X!

Jeez! Can a bitch at least take the bus home?!

Because it tastes a LOT BETTER than Pibbers or Buds! FFS peeps.