
To this day if you walk around Baghdad and ask people who ruled the county before 2003 they don’t know. They know that logically they should be able to remember the events of 1979 through 2003, but somehow they can’t, it’s all a blur.

It’s unfortunate that the resources couldn’t be spared before the storm hit to tow all the dealer cars to a temporary impound area, say somewhere there are plenty of open parking spaces like the beach.

Their heads explode at the thought of middle eastern immigrants sending money back home because they assume it’ll be used for terrorism, but the IRA pretty much openly collecting money in bars during the 70s and 80s? Totally cool.

Agreed, all of my favorites of his work are either short stories or novellas. As soon as he goes past a couple hundred pages he’s inevitably going to lose me.

On a very obscure note, I think it’s an Offog.

This brilliant inventor is disrupting a 50 billion dollar industry!

Car dealerships hate him!

Whatever it is I’m sure the fuel companies hate it.

Another article says the aircraft in question was being retired and was being flown to CA to go to the boneyard, so it seems like a “Yeah, we’ve got an aircraft we’re not using for passengers going to CA anyway, so might as well get some good PR out of it.”

Surplus hummers will certainly have the “Wide wheel base” market locked down. I sat in the passenger seat of a real hummer once and I was practically in a different zip code from the driver’s seat. Which makes sense because soldiers carrying all their gear tend to take up significantly more room than a civilian.

As a civilian you should be standing up and attempting to draw the fire of the shooter so the police can get him, it’s the least you can do for those brave men and women who risk their lives every day.

When I was growing up watering my mom’s houseplants was an hour long task. There were so many I would lose track and have to check to see if I had watered a given one already.

My father-in-law has that ability in spades. When we were bringing a bunch of my soon-to-be wife’s stuff back from their house in CA he packed my mom’s minivan like he was going for the world championship in Tetris. Great spatial visualization skills.

There is to my knowledge no situation that cannot be made worse by a statement from a police union spokesman.

They said they were on the way to get lunch, they didn’t say how far away the place they were planning to eat was. They could have been planning to go to that lovely little place 200 miles away.

Loved that catalog and loved the pocket covered vests and jackets I bought there back when they still sold that stuff. Looking at old pictures said jackets made me look like a complete and utter dork, but that was just truth in advertising tbh.

Can’t listen to the podcast right now, but I’m old enough to remember that there was a lot of discussion about how intrusive paparazzi were in the years leading up to her death. In the days after it happened, Diana being killed in the way she was seemed like an inevitable result of the way they hounded people

They won’t care till the person who’s arrested and violently assaulted looks white. is them.

As a (relatively) sane gun owner I totally get what you’re saying. I’ve also been around the block enough times to know that Gun Humpers will happily support any level of government overreach so long as it’s happening to someone else. “defending freedom” to them means defending their own personal freedom to fuck over

“Interfering with a Gronk celebration, 10 yard penalty.”