
Yep just to add to that point, there are still people who claim you can clear all content in FGO with the low rarity characters. But they can only do so by ignoring that you have to go out of your way to heavily meta game most of the later content if you do so.

For the older games it was to encourage people to buy stuff like the link cable for the game boy and gba.

Except we haven’t made any since 2012 and considering how good the airforce thinks it is it’ll never be given to other countries until we make a replacement that outclasses it.

Wrong, the only country using F-22s is the U.S. No other country has them and we stopped producing more of them in 2012.

Do remember that this guy is anti-gay, so his response to this is kinda weird in that he’s seeing gay where there seemingly isn’t any.

Or he was trying to profit off of the death threats by claiming he also got some for attention.

“Those with much knowledge of trends, pop culture, and entertainment in overseas countries” I don’t know, SAO has shit to do with non-Japanese entertainment. Unless they consider guns part of western entertainment. Besides if an SAO game can ever be made into an actual good game Monolith is the only company that could

Because they almost all take place in different worlds.

“ You’ll tend to always be part of some up and coming elite fighter squadren that becomes more and more anti-war by the end that you swear they’ll ground their jets at any moment to join protests base on their radio chatter” That’s literally only Ace Combat 5 every other one just has you fight the ace pilot/ace

I’m seriously wondering if that might be the case. It would make some sense too, various locations and monsters for example could’ve been the origin for some of the legends and such.

Actually your sword will be back, whichever enemy you got it from will have it again when they respawn and if yo u just find it laying around it’ll also have respawn where you found it.

“only 1 good choice+ 1 bad choice+ 1 sarcastic choice”

They rehashed her and forced her into Fates with a slightly different name(For no real reason) despite it being the same person.

“Had potential. But it was a let down from the get go. It’s space combat, we should’ve been able to fly at any angle and have FULL CONTROL over our ship from the beginning. This game would’ve been pointless to make anyway, seeing as Battlefront 3 will just wind up trumping any space combat this company could have

Well, shit.

Remember when AT-AT’s had impenetrable shields and snowspeeders were the only thing that could stop them by knocking them down?

I know it’s old but honestly if you buy a cutting edge graphics card you could probably get almost 10 years outta it if you settle for med-low graphics on games.

Yeah it was, you can find all sorts of accounts of people being banished and killed and such for adultery from back then.

Uh yes? Media is one of the primary ways of displaying culture are you an idiot?

Yeah right..., I can’t play as ANY GM variant.