The Kino Flo Demon

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

My first CD was Wham. I’ve seen George live three times; twice in concert, and once in person. BFF and I had heard where he and his partner Kenny went to eat in TX and we decided to swing on in. “Wouldn’t it be cool if...?” Anyway, we went full cringe/facepalm crazy fan and had silkscreen shirts made with his

It’s like I’ve lost a family member. I went through some real tough times as a kid and I went to bed every night listening to the Faith album. In no small part, he kept me intact and allowed me to access joy and desire and heartbreak. I feel your hurt. I indeestand it in my bones. Hugs, all of them.

This is the most heartbreaking of all. I saw George in concert twice, the first time in 1987 in Honolulu when I was ten years old. The Faith album still stands as one of the greatest pop albums ever made. I know every song, every word. I saw him again in 2008, just about twenty years later, in DC. I cannot express how

Oh good the old bait and switch.

Owls are judgy bastards.

to me, it sounds a bit like your father has some deep-seated moral issues involving owls.

Wait also, why does the ship have all these fancy amenities if the passengers are in hibernation the entire time? Do they have bartenders and restaurants and entertainment just in the off-chance an idiot wakes up too soon? Wouldn’t the passengers just wake up when they get to the planet? Jesus, the mystery of this

yeah, I was more interested in this movie when it was called Pandorum.

This could have been a really interesting, creepy film, and they ruined it by trying to be cute and shit. Just think how usually dopey nice guy Pratt would have been as an even more forthright, sinister stalker. Let’s say she wasn’t the first one he woke up, and the last one simply “didn’t work out” and is nowhere to

They lost me at “Aurora.” You just know that whichever draft that first appeared in, the following script doctor’s immediate reaction was, “Too obvious” only to be countered by some studio lackey chirping, “Sleeping beauty — brilliant!”

Thanks Bobby, I am more than happy not to see Passengers.

I finished grad school this week! And . . . No one has done anything. Actually one friend gave me a gift card for a massage. But that’s it. No card or flowers from my husband. No donuts at work. Nothing from my parents. I’m not expecting a Rolex or anything but I’ve been working on this for three years. Cmon people!

She also shot herself in the foot with Shonda Rimes. Which I think is a bigger deal.

I’m impressed he knew the year the ERA was written and the history around it apparently off the top of his head.

It’s a Turdis?

I binged the entire series over the past month or two, and much as I enjoy William H. Macy’s acting/Frank Gallagher’s antics, that’s mostly what his role in the series is. Antics. Frank is comedic relief more often than not. He’s had a few touching moments which were very well played, but the emotional weight of the

Hellya. Bidness is bidness.

Good for her. I’ve never seen the show but it is her right to negotiate for the salary she wants.