The Kino Flo Demon

She is INCREDIBLE and possesses a musical soul belonging to someone many decades older. Interviews with her reveal her prodigious musical intellect too. Inspiring...

Yeah the costume designer for this film is hugely talented but this all looks like someone interfered and made a garbage mess. The costumes for Cinderella were stunning. I saw them in Los Angeles. All hand-painted, full of vintage accessories, and very wittily designed. Like, STUNNING.

but it’s ok because HE GOT AWAYYY!

OK thank god you guys told me. I have enough trouble with my FB feed guilting me about every rescue dog I don’t take in!?

I mean I’ve watched PE1 probably 50 times in total and I still always fast-forward through that part. :/

Yeah but guys there’s really only one question to ask about all this. ARE there any moments in PE II that will upset me for the rest of my life and will need to be avoided, like in PE I where the one elephant gets separated from his herd and goes running the wrong way?

That movie is uh-may-zing




Fuck yeah!!

Tangent nerd pedantry: it’s just mail, not chain mail. Chain mail is what we did in the early 80s with letters.

Yep, he’s a crap storyteller and a weak director with a stunning aesthetic. It’s not enough in filmmaking!


This is a marvelously written piece!

I’m also super proud of our veterans who hauled there from all over the country in the clinch to lend support. What an amazing statement of peace from men and women who have given their all for war.

If my husband of 17 years touched my stomach I’d punt him in the gonads.

Truest statement ever.

Many of my students have asked for my rendition of, say, Drunk Art History, which I give them as best as I can without actually being drunk - it’s more, like, Unprofessional Art History (“So, this painting by Hogarth, see this fat bitch right here? That black spot on her face? SYPHILIS, OBVY, because everyone back in

Thanks bruh! :) It’s the only career victory I’ve ever truly had!