The Kino Flo Demon

Thank you. Wanna know what finally happened? I resigned, they begged to take me back, I told them they had to pay me more than anyone they hired to work under me, they gave me a $40,000 raise and made me head of the school. Not kidding! You’d think I would have told them to fuck off without looking back but I have a

I’d say that just about everything in Arrival, even the annoying/sloppy/aggravating parts, was believable because of her consummate level of skill as an actor.

Imma add ‘baby-making’ to that list, which is the reason I thought Arrival was trite af.

I want to pass on some information that, believe it or not, Gloria Allred told me when I spoke to her about my own workplace situation, as I think it’s something folks might not be aware of.


The elevator’s right there behind the red drape! Maybe opposite the stairs? In the corner of the speakeasy....

I love SNM. I’ve been three times but the first time was the best - I got off the elevator alone and the terrifying nurse wheeled me underneath the model of Manderley hanging upside down from the ceiling while muttering into my ear!

I’m recuperating with a Leinenkugel from stressing like crazy over an event I helped run at my school today, where I had to demo (for the internet, yikes) in Photoshop, which I have no idea how to use. But, on the plus side, look who I got to hang out with:

:( I’m sorry that happened to you.

Salma is....Salma IS. Love her to death.

And, in point of fact, most of the best musicians working in the industry are sessions people, if we’re talking straight-up skill. #respect

WHAT?! ‘The Room’ was GENIUS!! hurr hurr durrr

I’m guessing that’s the NY equivalent of the LA version, which is ‘dragooning someone your brother’s girlfriend knows from yoga with a truck, trying to move your couch yourself and straining your hernia, and paying the disgruntled friend with a six pack of blue moon and cold pizza’?

this looks meh but mica levi is a stunning composer.

Agreed. Wedding episode was nadir. Belgravia was pinnacle.

First: thank you.

Will you tell me what the twist is? IDGAF about spoilers, I’ll never read the book and probably only see the movie when it shows up on the Netflix instant some afternoon in a couple of years.

My favorite ‘unlikeable female character’ from literature who will never be the elegant star of a polished Hollywood thriller because people can’t actually handle real ‘unlikeability’? Harriet, the protagonist of ‘After Claude.’ Man, that book changed my life.

I dunno, this all still makes me go like: