The Kino Flo Demon

Meg was a good pal of mine (my horse lived at her property). She was deeply troubled and extremely generous and good-hearted. An example of the kind of person she was: she traveled to Japan on a job and brought me back a gift of a hardbacked collection of Miyazaki’s storyboards, because I used to teach a storyboarding

I knew he was the moment I first saw him, walking into a production meeting for a project he was tangentially involved in (so I never actually met him, but was already equipped to make a snap judgment): WAY TOO MUCH ED HARDY.

*takes out my DVD*

This is exquisite, isn’t it? The only way it could be any better is if someone put Alison Krauss in a time machine and a dirndl skirt and parked her on the couch next to Linda. I love all three of these magnificent ladies but there is something so otherworldly to me about Linda Rondstadt’s voice in its prime.

She gets mad props for that whole sketch. Bonkers.

Possibly it’s because she did all those exact impressions on Fallon, on his spin-the-wheel game thingy...

Is the moon a melting pat of butter or a leaky sunny-side-up? These are the kinds of questions I’m going to posit to my art history class when I make them analyze this on Tuesday.

I would add, though, that the Wachowskis are artists, not celebrities. Even in the Hollywood community they are incredibly private and are perceived and respected 100% as such - even my students see them only as the people who made ‘The Matrix’ and as beacons for exploratory VFX filmmaking.

+1000 Achievement unlocked

Eat it, Avril!

...and eat a KalTeen bar!

In that red gown she is KILLING that stage!

OR as the pantsuit-wearing newsroom colleague in ‘Anchorman’ who tips Veronica Corningstone off on how to fuck with Ron Burgundy!

You’re good peeps.




At this point, I’d say she deserves it.