Yeah. I’m 6' and 260. That’s plus-sized, thanks. (I’m also strong enough to lift a couch over my head, so I’m cool with it, but I was a size 14 in 7th grade.)
Yeah. I’m 6' and 260. That’s plus-sized, thanks. (I’m also strong enough to lift a couch over my head, so I’m cool with it, but I was a size 14 in 7th grade.)
Reading that laundry list this early in the morning makes me feel like I just ate a large spoonful of old mayonnaise.
This is supposed to be Atlanta? Are you sure it isn’t Bel Air?
Who is this guy? Because I FUCKING LOVE HIM.
FUCK why did this have to come out right now, I have too many TPS reports to write and I don’t have time to watch it at my desk at work!?
The sloppy name for pointe shoes. :)
Do you have any busted-up stanky old toe shoes kicking around you can schpritz with some Glade Potpourri? That might help.
And it’s situated on a little creek, which means the journey, and there’s an eagle perched in a maple tree outside, which means America, and there’s smoke coming out of the chimney, which means family. (Can you tell I’m obsessed?)
Lady G did a shiny job (we all continue to forget, and continue to be pleasantly reminded, that she has a lovely, capable voice), but I realized in re-watching Whitney’s performance why it was so perfect. She smiles the entire way through. Like, with this effortless joy. You know - she smiled a lot while she sang.…
Nicolas Sparks is the Thomas Kinkade of “storytelling,” if that’s what he thinks it is.
Agreed. It’s ludicrous and maudlin and, as someone who’s lost a bunch of family members to Alzheimer’s, reprehensible.
I hadn’t thought about the Manson murders in forever (I grew up with a daughter of someone in the Symbionese Liberation Army) but I was just in the Museum of Death in New Orleans and all that shit came flooding back. Being in that museum, BTW, is like opening the lid to a septic tank and peering inside, without…
if you want to put that tortie in a fed ex box and ship her my way i’d say some hosannas in your honor
I’m one of those people who has a lucky day when she sees the pink Corvette. 20 years and counting in this town and it never ceases to make me grin, like seeing a unicorn saunter out of a Chipotle.
Yep. I’d like to see that movie about skateboarding girls. They don’t need to be some famous historical figures. They just need to be awesome. There, done!
Shonda was workin’ on a YA some years ago...this must be how she finally gets to work that out.
You mean, ‘Aberieb.’
Also Luna Lovegood’s. So tender. :(