The Kino Flo Demon

GAHHAHGHHGHGH! You realize you won the Inter Net today, right? VICTORY IS YOURS, O TATTER OF EXQUISITE LACE.

The ‘Kobayashi Maru of fast food stories’? YOU WIN.

S’ok. If Mystique showed up with a gun and a cutlass, I’d come correct too.

Even better than the FNL skit is ‘The Foodroom.’ The writing is bloody brilliant. I agree, her team is razor-sharp. I mean, come on, Tig!


Only if the fashion truck is driven by this guy:

I am Team Fukunaga because ‘Jane Eyre.’

It’s so hard for ballerinas to be both powerful and light. It’s like she manipulates physics. Such a magnificent accomplishment.

Straight chills through my body.

Marie, thank you for your elegant choice of photo up-top. You got low self-esteem, baby, you’re a fantastic fuck!

I fucking love Bachelorette.

Agreed. This director is a flat-out auteur and artist and this sounds like a fucking fabulous idea!

Starbucks Casey is a very charming writer.

Yeah, can you pick me up some crack cocaine? Thx!

Amy Poehler FTW!


Holy shit I didn’t know that about German neo-Nazis. That’s horrible.

I was almost too uncomfortable too until I realized that the cat is sort of sandwiched inside the top and bottom of the wing, and the wind is just blowing on its face like a dog hanging out a car window. It isn’t even moving, really; paws just draped over that wing strut. Never underestimate our overlords’ capacity

One time, post-college, my family and I were taking a walk. My dad says something about “not being able to see around me.” I turned around, went back to the house, got in their car, drove to the airport, and waited for them to find me. It was the best bluff I’ve ever called. He was abject and it gave me the