The Kino Flo Demon

I’m genuinely sorry that this is why you win, but you win.


HAAHAHA “You too!” That is genius. I’m borrowing that.

Yeah it’s the condescension factor, which IMHO is a variation on the neg. I was injecting a drug into my horse the other day (weird, I know, just go with it) when a sixyish man I’ve never seen before (often ‘friends and family’ are at my barn) walks over, gets right in the middle of what I’m doing, and says, “You

I have never gotten the chills watching a film as many times as I did watching ‘20 Feet.’ Bravo!



Agreed, it’s my fave of the bunch up there - the balance is SICK.

Not only did I pay for mine, but I designed it myself as well as designed my wedding ring. Mr. Occula bought his own stuff, I didn’t have a thing to do with it. I stopped wearing mine after a while because the stone was getting micro damage and instead bought a bunch of weird rings to wear - like a silicone one, a

Here’s how I proposed:

Chris Pratt, skilled in the ways of the Kuleshov Effect.

But I love the TB craziness. I had an appendix who was like an enormous Jack Russell. The reason I sold him - and won’t ever get another TB - is because of my size and weight. My quarter horse is basically a drafty. :)

Yeah, I’m ashamed to say it took me looking at that twice to realize what he was doing. I know, right?

AND Ellie looked awesome in her big boots, strong bare legs and khaki paleontologist shorts.


Jennifer Coolidge, because.


This remains the best video on the internet, and I will fight anyone who disagrees.


OMG I love Crackle. It’s like flipping through a crumpled copy of Maxim from, like, 2002.