Hahahaha!!! Never trust an AH as far as you can throw ‘em! ;)
Hahahaha!!! Never trust an AH as far as you can throw ‘em! ;)
I think my QH is crossed with a Morgan (I need to do that blood test), making him even hardier. He’s like a tank. Was seriously abused when I bought him and with lots of spoiling he’s turned out to be the star of the barn - he rebounded so well he’s now learned to jump (at age 15!) as well as letting me shoot off his…
Very true. I have quarter horses (one of the hardiest breeds out there) but I love me some off-the-track TBs. They take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’. I’ve never met one I didn’t love to death despite all of them being batshit crazy.
Just did it. Don’t understand why the space/time continuum hasn’t provided me with the second 8 episodes via my Kindle so I can watch the rest of the season under the covers like I did with the first. WHERE ARE YOU SECOND 8 EPISODES!?!?!?!?
Totally agree, and this, I think, is thanks to Ron Moore. He is very skilled with pacing out characters over time and giving them their due diligence so we don’t perceive them as one-dimensional (see: BSG). In good TV characters get time to live and breathe, and with the parallel narrative it keeps conflict alive.
We like to say they have huge hearts in general, because of their desire to please us by running fast. :) My horse definitely has a regular-sized heart. The only time he’d run fast is if someone showed him a sandwich at 50 paces. ;)
My god my god she is magnificent! (And super awesome btw...I was shooting something in Utah right next to where she was directing Maldonado Miracle and she was beloved by all in her crew and respected in the area.)
Sorry - not 4 times. 3 times. Not 1/4. Horses’s hearts weigh about 8 pounds. His weighed 22.
Oh absolutely!
Well...except for when he was getting his HQ whaled on by the crop. For no reason. He was already ahead. TBs are beat to shit despite already running their hearts out. :(
Secretariat was, quite literally, a mutant. His organ systems were 4 times larger than a normal horse’s. He was possibly the most extraordinary athlete in modern history. I am no fan of the corrupt, abusive world of horse racing, but if there was ever an animal on this earth built to go faster on a track than all the…
Am sitting in the Kansas City airport right now having checked no bags after a week’s trip to New England. I split my carry ons between 2 bags in order to distribute weight when I’m slogging through airports - a very easily-stowed Timbuk2 tote with tons of pockets (and holds all my clothes) which snugs very nicely in…
With, like, the poster from ‘Catching Fire,’ but instead of JLaw’s face, it’s Amy’s!! SOMEONE MAKE THAT PLZ
Wif bears instead of gators.
Watching the Chris P blooper reel while at work is proving to be an error in judgment, as I have now sprayed coffee over my keyboard.
There are no words.