The Kino Flo Demon

The most famous artists in the world use pencils. People who craft the art in the movies you watch use pencils. Poets and musicians use pencils.

My bouquet was dried and sits in a vase in my mother’s house next to a picture of her mother.

Well and succinctly put.

All those ladies looked like little girls playing dress-up when Cindy Crawford catwalked up into that.

I have a lot of dickish and even nightmarish stories, because I worked in PR, but honestly one of my favorites is because nobody believes it. I was in the Apple store being helped by one of the techs and Jon Hamm came up and stepped right in front of me, his back to me. I mean, the tech was, like, in mid-sentence,

I’ve got a lot of those too (live and work in LA in the biz). Best one, though? And I mean, like, changed my life best one? Jimmy Smits used to call into our PR firm and I’d chat with him before handing him off. He’s a very bright and engaging man and talked to me about me, even though I was an assistant like the

Which is the opposite to my story of Robin Williams and the bathroom: we’re both in line for the unisex at the premiere party for ‘The Birdcage,’ he goes in first, and when he comes out he, like, explodes out of there with his hand out (clearly not having washed his hands, because I was standing right there and could

Shonda might be an entertainment mogul but she is also a logic-driven Dartmouth grad with a very level head on her shoulders. I worked for her for years and her m.o. is to create an atmosphere of trust and collaboration which most people don’t follow through on in the industry. It makes for an incredibly warm and

I have worked with all of those people and can concur, while also adding: Ellen Pompeo is a fucking crazy woman on a scale unknown and unappreciated by the media. If she decided to get pissed about something, everybody stand back. Shonda is an amazing woman who is NOT crazy, but I would believe if she was already

Yeah. The purple. The fucking purple. Against the green. GHOWIHI$Y*GHW*)HOWKSEKLE&T$$#(##(#.

I mean, there are like 10 people on the planet who can pull this off, and they are named Lupita Nyong’o.

One morning at a family breakfast my mother-in-law serves her 2 sons (aged in their 30s) what she served them their entire childhood: fried eggs, homemade biscuit, bacon (yum). My husband asks his mom what her fried egg secret is. My brother in law asks, looking down at the fried eggs he’s been eating for decades,

Unfortunately the Strattera hasn’t helped me lose the weight BUT I can now pull work gigs that are months-long without ramming my car into another car on the, I’ll take it. I’m glad the big A is working for you! :)

Strattera? It’s changed my life!

Same for me, except instead of ADD needing meds it’s ADHD, and my already bonkers productivity gets aug’d by the magical potion known as Strattera.

Preach. An open half hour is a half hour to throw a load of laundry in, change the bed, and do dishes. I don’t have children and this is still the law of my land. I work nearly 19 hours a day and ‘empty’ time is not something I’ve known about for roughly 25 years.

I dunno about the occult and transportation, but I DO know that a former cop friend of mine got called out into Malibu and Topanga all the time for crazy satanic shit happening in the dungeons of mansions. No joke. Coulda been a goldmine...

OMG that pic of her from back in the day is AMAZING. Like, I want someone to create an animated character of her immediately, heading up a street gang of stylish old-timey urchins with superpowers.

Good save, Wedding Singer!

So much so that at the end of the song, when she hugs the husband - who’s crying - every single time I have a knee-jerk reaction of wondering if he was actually her husband. *sniff*