serq du soliel


Ugh. Pass-time

Electing a female president is really fucking important. Not as important as electing the best available. When Hillary gets the nomination I will vote for her. Until then I support Sanders, who is stronger on women centric policies than Hillary anyway.

There’s this great thing called “context.” You should check it out sometime.

But why can’t we take all that as a given and still think Sanders is a better candidate on the merits? ESPECIALLY in regard to women?

Uh, what? That is all unforgivable but no reason to vote for a woman who is weaker on women’s rights than her opponent.

Completely agree, but like Obama she’s a centrist. I’d say center-right. Maybe (a lot) of people on the left are actually excited at the prospect of an honest to goodness left of center candidate, regardless of gender, instead of more of the same? Would a Hillary presidency be substantially different from Obama’s

No one is saying this but you...

Uh... no.

No one is saying this but you...

Bernie is better, and has a stronger track record, on “women’s issues,” though. She’s avoiding specifics purposefully.

“just as clueless on race and gender issues as any Republican”

By your logic, you’d vote for Fiorina or Palin vs Sanders in a hypothetical election... May want to reconsider?