Ser Pounce

Right. They haven’t established anything that would negate the possibility of Sybok having already been there and left, they just haven’t mentioned him at all. If I recall Spock mentions that Sybok’s mother died and that the two were “raised as brothers.”

  • The redshirt was a blueshirt!!!

E. Steamed hams.

“I would stab Death twice in the heart before he could get you”, might be the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.

Actually, Rocket has a shockingly large part.

Oh my god, I forgot about Michael Pena. Never mind. You’re right.

After seeing Infinity War, I definitely want to fast-forward to Captain Marvel and Avengers 4.

This film has clearly failed to deliver an emotional journey for the talking space Racoon.

This sounds like a Pitchfork review, in that it takes something that’s recognized as good and shits on it for something so trivial

“He also asked Comey to explain the assertion he made to George Stephanopoulos that impeaching Trump’s (alleged) Russian-colluding ass isn’t the way to go. Comey again, stated that were Trump (who he compared to a mob boss in both leadership style and bottomless, egomaniacal emptiness) to be impeached, it would rob

The Wu-Tang Clan are already a pretty big part of my life. But fuck, “I knew Ol’ Dirty Bastard. Ol’ Dirty Bastard was a friend of mine. You, sir, are no Ol’ Dirty Bastard.” takes it to a whole new level.

I disagree.

A lot of people are attributing this to Trump-era political focus, but I think another important factor is that Fallon is a hack comedian and sycophantic interviewer, whereas Colbert is actually good at his job. That might also be part of it.

I am <i>so</i> glad to see Zack Handlen depart! It wasn’t that he didn’t “like” the show — he didn’t understand the show, even back when he was enjoying it.

I felt like Elaine in Seinfeld watching The English Patient during this episode... “Just die already!!!”

Donald Glover looks badass!

As I understood it, it wasn’t a joke but another meta reference, pretty sharply and bluntly pointing out that women have been notoriously shut out of the X-Files writers room, etc. So, this line is actually as timely as it gets in 2018 and (as a woman) I’m glad it’s in there to highlight the absurdity of the still

I’m not an X-Files fan at all. I really have seen hardly any of the show - I know the characters a bit from pop culture references, and the most I’ve seen is an episode and a half from this season, only half paying attention. I caught almost all of this episode and laughed my head off. The alternate theme song, the

The line about Dr. They being among the “hundreds of millions” at the last inauguration was pretty great, and the part with Ronnie waterboarding a guy and blowing away a wedding party with a drone was a nice little bit of black humor.

“Some people fervently remember seeing a movie called Shazam, with Sinbad playing an irrepressible genie. They’re probably thinking of a movie called Kazaam, with Shaquille O’Neal playing an irrepressible genie.”