Ser Pounce

That was my favorite. “The Haunted Crow’s Nest or something, whatever, who cares”

I can’t believe I’m rooting for a team this weekend to go to the Super Bowl because a dead character loves his quarterback. Go Bortles

She still name-drops! And it’s forkin’ John Wayne!

Don’t you mean forking great?

Jeeze Louise! Looks like Chidi has a real case of the Mondays, am I right? Hey ya, pass the NASCAR ketchup.

Did I see Michael’s final action coming? Yes. Did it still make my heart swell? Yes. There’s just nothing else quite like this show. I hugely enjoy a show like Superstore (and its “let’s band together to fail!” montage was hilariously funny tonight) but The Good Place’s combination of laughs, heart, and sheer

I loved how, after all the worry, both Tahani and Jason are both excellent at adapting to the Bad Place. Tahani especially was great in this episode.

I liked the Bad Place poster for Pirates of the Caribbean 6, now playing EVERYWHERE, FOREVER.

I’m so glad this show exists.


I am so glad that Sarek had a goatee. Even though he’s technically not really “evil” over here. Which then begs the question of how Spock wound up in the Terran Empire. Maybe Amanda got pregnant with him and ran away back to Earth and so he grew up around humans?

I think Discovery is making the most of the Mirror Universe - perhaps moreso than any show since the original. I genuinely have a sense of the horror of seeing your evil counterparts, and Sonequa Martin-Green sold the hell out of that opening monologue.

Why wouldn’t she have time to send a message? She wasn’t hiding that she was communicating with the Discovery and she’s the captain. She could have hailed the Disco a minute after Tyler/Voq was taken to the transporter room and explained everything she needed to inside of thirty seconds without having to explain the

I’m thinking they will accidentally cause mayhem in the Bad Place and somehow upend the entire binary system. Clearly the afterlife is overdue for a revolution.

Okay I felt the Eleanor-Chidi chemistry in this one. Them slow dancing to ‘Unforgettable’ was electric. Though with Chidi not able to return her feelings, and Tahani breaking up with Jason, pretty much all the pairings are back on the table now (fingers crossed for the insane hotness of Eleanor-Tahani...)

This show is goddamn unbelievable. Thoroughly cemented itself as my favorite comedy show of the decade, absolutely no competition.

This show, which inspires lively and interesting discussion, gets dropped from episodic coverage. But presumably “Modern Family” will get episodic reviews forever.

I’d give it a B+ just for how brief Martin Short’s screen time was before getting killed off. Also, the lineup of suspects repeating that “Whistler’s Mother” line gave me a pretty good laugh.