Ser Pounce

Izel mentioned that her realm transcends life and death. May was essentially undead as long as she was in that realm.

I mentioned before how, when bingeing a series, AVClub writers miss obvious points and nuances in episodes. Amongst the many, the 3 biggest ones for me are:
1. Smartphones (and digital assistants) can be used to covertly listen to you- there’s evidence of this happening now in the real world.
2. Social Media operators

What if AV Club, but too much?


In the end, Bran let Dany go on her rampage because he knew she would make his kingdom more ADA compliant.

Well she did mass murder the entire elite and opposition to her in Mereen and Pentos by crucifying most of them, and took over the whole Dothraki race by burning all of their elite alive as well. The show has been hinting at her evil side, this just put her over the edge.

Drogon never had a better day.

Cersei has been off the deep end with no possibility of return since Tommen took his jump.

Wife: How was the episode?

I definitely disagree. All of her assumptions proved wrong, and her entire world finally fell apart around her. Everyone she counted on has died except her twin brother, who showed up with a presumably mortal wound. Seems perfectly reasonable that she’d fall apart at that moment.

Plus, assuming she was really pregnant.

haha, you’re crazy, that was awesome.

Them fighting while the dragon flew behind them actually got a cheer out of me. However, I loved this entire episode.

Guys, I’m starting to think that executing Missandei in front of Daenerys instead of holding her as a captive inside the Red Keep may not have been the smartest thing to do...

This episode almost made me take a Xanax. It was insane! It’s easily the most gorgeous visuals in a single episode we’ve ever seen. The massive fight, the squads of shuttles and pods, the alien allies - everything added up to something that was such a blast to watch.

Maybe you just need to breathe.

Say what you will about Discovery, that was one of the best battle scenes in Star Trek history.

I loved the Old Gods Realm part. The whole here’s your balloons and cake for completing the impossible 2057 Tasks to get there. And don’t bother us about Monsters. They can’t be killed. I feel that if that assistant to the Old Gods wasn’t in hurry he would even ignore the treat of telling the stupid humans who know

Me also felt like she spent first season growing out of that, and they they sent her back to square one at beginning of this season. They could take notes from DS9, where Bashir started off as most annoying member of cast and then steadily improved for seven seasons.

So Tilly is officially my Wesley Crusher because I keep finding myself so often saying “SHUT UP, TILLY!,” that we must make it so.

I assumed that, off camera, he just jumped out the window right after Tommen, in the kind of display of unmitigated loyalty and devotion for which cats are so well-known.