Ser Pounce

Aww, thanks for the shout-out, Dennis! Yes, amazing album and this performance is yet another reason why I unabashedly love the Foo Fighters. Best of holidays to you guys!

Yeah, this one sucked. You could tell Kevin was trying extra hard to make the material work, but it all just fell apart, especially that cringeworthy teddy bear sketch. How the fuck did that one make it past the writers’ room? Not a great way for the show to close out the year, but hey, that awesome Foo Fighters cover

A few episodes back I called this season the “Empire Strikes Back” season of the show and I feel like this finale delivered on that, the bad guys won, the heroes resolved to fight another day, and a villain for the first part of the next chapter came into play, heck, there was even an “I am your father” reveal. I

Alright, so it must be really, really good, an A.A. Dowd B+ is like a A+ in an AP class....

1. Punch Drunk Love

I don’t remember Hard Eight, and I disliked Inherent Vice and The Master, but I can watch Punch Drunk Love once a month and not get tired of it. It’s such a bizarre little film, but I love it so much.

1. There Will Be Blood

A-. A-. Dowd

And he said it without sounding like he was having some kind of stroke, point Tyrell

“No puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet!”

I don’t know. I laughed, but it kind of took me out of the episode a little. It was a pretty intense seen and, I mean, only a childish idiot would speak like that.

I love how Wellick directly quoted Trump: “No puppet, no puppet. You’re the puppet!”

Do you like TV? Do you like horses? Do you like Wii U? Do you like movies? You don’t own the beach. I don’t know how to do that.

I’m certain we’ve all silently reached a unanimous decision that Trenton’s little brother who was born in Trenton is our child now and from now on we will buy pop tarts in bulk, help him develop a taste in films and groom him to become president. 

You joke, but Alex and I seriously reserve A for potential best-of-the-year-grade all-timers. For grades to have value, you have to manage them like an economy; we’re conscious of inflation.

Coco is a heartwarming, luminous tale of adventure, made with perfect Pixar craftsmanship, but it failed to completely blow my mind. C-”

Who do you have to fuck to get an A- around here?

andyrobot made an amazing case for her looking at the jukebox, newspaper, cash register, map and foreseeing the iPhone. I am convinced. (Oh he’s on this very thread)

I think she’s thinking even bigger. It’s not just the jukebox, it’s the cash register. It’s not just the cash register, it’s the newspapers. It’s not just the newspapers, it’s Cameron’s map...

Joe jokes to Haley about a radio station being on the internet