Ser Pounce

Really digging this in a big way. I can’t wait to get home from work to watch this but really loved the third episode.

Just finished rewatching the second season of The Expanse before watching this ep - while yeah, Discovery ain’t the best, by any means, having two such absurdly high-budget SF shows on fairly major networks makes me so damn happy as a fan of the genre.

As someone who loves the show and has become curious to try the sauce, I am pleased by this news. Things that make me happy feel like they’re in short supply these days while everything in the world sucks. I understand the actual taste of the sauce will probably be a letdown, but I don’t care. The build-up to

I loved how much he wanted to haggle even if it was only getting him a dollar, down to feeding Nathan numbers “I ask for $1400, then you counter offer $1200.” Nathan taking it to the extreme of $1 and him just being OK with that was such a great moment. Paul was ready to do whatever. He just wanted the enjoy the

“So... to be clear, $1,001 would be good?”
“Yeah, you know, I just want to feel like I got something.”

“Anything over $1,000 sounds good to me.”

Everything to do with Paul was amazing. Nathan had balls to push it as far as he did with him, he’s clearly mentally unstable.

I’ve always had a little place in my cold, black, heart for creators that lovingly troll their audience. Given the propensity for a false sense of ownership, it’s what most fans deserve.

Evil Morty only works if he’s underutilized... when you think about it.

Some people at work were saying the season was definitely gonna have Evil Morty, which didn’t make sense to me. It took two seasons to get back to Evil Morty. Why would they give up the goods like that right away?

Where’s the recap for the season 4 premiere?

I’m calling it now, the only person who will care enough about her to see that this Beth is a clone will be Jerry.

The thing that stuck out most to me in Rick’s monologue there was when Beth protested that she couldn’t leave her family, and Rick replied, “Then stay and luxuriate in a life you can finally know you’ve chosen.” I thought that was such a beautiful turn of phrase. It’s so easy to feel trapped by circumstance in life,

yeah see the colbert report for a great example of idiots not getting it.

Where did you get “majority of their fanbase?” Some reddit assholes get into a circle jerk and you conflate it to the majority? They could be the Council of 15 year olds for all you know.

I don’t think the show means to hold up Rick as a role model, but there’s a continuing trend of no one ever calling him out on his crap. He keeps making these bleak end-of-episode speeches and everyone just tends to shut up and nod. It feels like mixed signals from the writers’ part. What the show really needs is

I agree with the Lionel Hutz from Universe C-137!

She had to have chosen the clone option. From a story standpoint, why introduce it otherwise. Plus, once Beth has accepted she is her father, how could she be happy with the life she has (answer, she wasn’t happy to begin with). Plus imagine what it will be like when a totally Rickified Beth comes back to retake her

Pretty obvious she chose the clone option. I mean, she did say “fuck you” to her kids a few episodes back.

clone option for beth: yes