Ser Pounce

Well... Data did. Also Odo on DS9 and Seven of Nine on Voyager. And Captain Archer on Enterprise, though that was another case of being under Vulcan influence. No unmodified human ever did it. Cmdr. Burnham is at very least Vulcan trained, from a very young age.

The A-number-1 frustrating thing about parsing fan responses over the years has always been that they want the same thing, that’s also simultaneously different.

Oh no! Something new! Can’t have that!

Also, have you seen Star Trek before? All the Klingons actual spoke Klingon. How much MORE Stark Trek could this get?

Hey, all a neck pinch takes is the proper training and discipline. It’s a skill, not a super power.

How is the fact that she can do the nerve pinch bull? Humans can do it and canonically have done it, there’s nothing particularly magical about Vulcans doing it.

you seem like a lot of fun at parties

The best comment I’ve seen so far on Discovery is that it makes The Orville look like community theater.

Picard could do the neck pinch after mind melding with Sarek. Data and Odo could do it too.

Well hot damn, i really enjoyed the first two episodes. I was always cautiously optimistic, but this exceeded my expectations.

If nothing else, the show understands the most important rule of Starfleet: anybody above the rank of captain is completely useless.


It was honestly a little touching seeing Nathan and Brian Wolf finally throw the football around. Also liked seeing Corey “The Hero” Calderwood and his new girlfriend, although I’m not digging his new look. Too much black, dude.

Surprised the reviews didn’t mention his very weird comments about The Holocaust, that was probably the biggest laughs/most awkwardness for me.

Was Anthony Napoli for real or is he a character? If he’s a character then he’s a brilliant comedic actor. I couldn’t stop laughing at the interactions between him and Nathan. But if he’s not acting, then he’s just a lunatic. Either way, I can’t wrap my head around his existence.

This was a great way to kick off the season because it was a nice refresher after the long layoff from season 3. It still amazes me how Nathan is able to not only keep a straight face, but improvise and work off these people he interacts with. That whole conjuring scene was something to behold. I would have lost it

They should hire Nathan to come up with a better system than Kinja

Wow, 6 comments after it was posted over 12 hours after airing. Doing great AV club!

I am honestly curious, why does it often take Joshua Alston an extra 12 hours to post reviews? This even happens when episodes were available to reviewers ahead of time (as this one was).

Despite the positive grade a disagree with a lot of this review, and would easily give it an A+ alone for the moment with the real estate agent and her new partner contacting the old one from beyond the grave. But it was also packed with an enormous amount of other funny moments which made me love it enormously.


When you realise the president position is just a puppet for the other Ricks then it makes more sense