Ser Pounce

I think the last couple years have shown there’s worse, more horrid representations of manhood in modern times

Why have a quiet hit done when you could have a public execution for treason against the Starks in full view of the grumbling prone north.

Rick thinks of his affection for Morty as a weakness, which is why it is removed. When Rick slaps Morty, he realizes he doesn’t feel anything. Healthy Rick is so removed from his emotions that they don’t register at first.

I think it’s that they are considering there to be several aspects to kindness. Cleansed Rick was polite but lacked any regard for actual life.

Jesus Christ. When was the last time a sitcom had THIS strong of a run? I’m guessing the third season of Parks and Recreation, maybe? Which I believe is also the same stretch where Community’s also-excellent second season had its legendary run of classic episodes.

I did find the ins and outs of the premise a bit hard to grasp at first, but when I finally got the reason why Toxic Rick is the one who cares about Morty and why Healthy Morty was such an ultimate douchebag, I laughed out loud. Rick hates his attachment to Morty as much as he hates his own insane ego, and Morty

All I wanna know is, can we get an extended version of that end credits song? I was on the floor laughing at how random and perfect it was.

Rick figured out that the machine decided on what to remove based on what each person thought was toxic, so Morty lost his insecurities, while Rick, among other things, lost his unnecessary personal attachments, such as his care for Morty. Rick literally explained this during the scene you’re asking about.

Too bad we have to have this giant discussion on this new platform....

“Awesome Show, Great Job!” really was a masterclass in absurdist, surrealist anti-humor, and this special proves Tim and Eric haven’t missed a damn beat. At least we can look forward to the return of “Bedtime Stories” in a couple of weeks because this just made me hungry for more.

Jaime nutted up Cersei a few times...

I presume the theory is that the Night King has a sort of three-eyed raven of his own. Or at least someone who can see the future. So it’s not so much tactical genius as an unfair advantage (since Bran is so fucking useless). “Ah brother is committing incest, as we speak.. Someone should tell him...”

“Ah. I see that the man who pushed me out of a tower as a child, crippled me for life, and arguably contributed to me turning into an emotionless creeper is back. Would you like to hear the story of my sister’s brutal rape?”

Although if he runs into Bran it’ll be awkward.

I’m glad Cersei caught on to the fact that one dragon was conspicuously absent. It was dumb as hell for her to bring two when everyone in the world knows she has three.

Only thing that could’ve made it better was Bronn and Podrick riding north with him.

Cersei being a petty piece of shit even facing legends is my favorite thing about her.

“We’ve been waiting for some time.”

you mean Theon?