
As many other have posted, this is a bad list. Never mind leaving off the two best Vacation episodes for arbitrary reasons, there are entirely too many bad episodes places highly on the list. The newer eps have been bland, and honestly I had forgotten about most of them, but the aligator and sundance episodes are

UGH...I’ll take the Crab Juice

Season 9 was still pretty strong, and Season 10 has more good than bad...but then you hit Season 11, and almost immediately, things take a turn. Like a “Make me stop watching new episodes regularly for over a decade” turn.

In short, here is Scully’s tenure as showrunner:

Mountain Dew or Crab Juice?

It’s surreal when you look back and see Reali’s been the steward of the show for going on 14 years now. His growth from a professional standpoint of what we see in front of the camera (and I hope among his peers he is well-received and all that) and his growth as a human being behind it through what he’s shared with

Jesus. I had a daughter that was still born at 36 weeks almost exactly 11 years ago. At the time I was working in the media (not on Reali’s scale, but I covered local news and had a talk show that was fairly well-rated) and the pregnancy impending fatherhood had become part of the regular conversation during our

I always love when white Minnesotans try to act like theyre not one of the most racists states in the country

TO ORCHESTRATE A (crime less serious than a) MURDER


Pyrotechnics by Kari Byron.

What I hate about myself is that I will click on any “where is LeBron going article.”

Way Way better than mine which just says DJOOS CONTROL ALL THE BANKS AND THE MEDIA

Crabcakes and Football, That’s what Maryland does.

now that Drew is back...

My MNUFC Loons will welcome his vision and leadership. But, he’ll need to grow a beard and show that he wants to acclimate to the Twin Cities.

“You see this bar? I built this bar with my own bare hands. I cut down every tree and made the lumber myself. I toiled away through the wind and cold, but do they call me McGreggor the bar builder? No.”

Yes, they’re called unsuccessful white people. You’re born on third, lose a shoe, choke on your dip, slide backwards towards second, then blame the nigger in the stands eating a lobster roll.

we hear it’s an online game of some sort

What the fuck is this nonsense? I’ve watched enough Japanese porn to know that THIS MUTHAFUCKKA GOT A DICK ON HIS BACK!

My mind just can’t make sense of DeVos when I see her in speaking appearances. Like, I know exactly what she’s all about and what to expect. However, my brain is conditioned to associate everything about her physical appearance and voice with the embodiment of the overactive PTA mom who keeps up to date on absolutely