I posted late sometime in one of the Halloweens of the pandemic blur but was inspired to post again because it feels like there aren’t as many this year? Getting the creeps already thinking about this.
I posted late sometime in one of the Halloweens of the pandemic blur but was inspired to post again because it feels like there aren’t as many this year? Getting the creeps already thinking about this.
And here’s another tale from my mom’s time in the lab:
“Tales from an ER Laboratory”
‘“Borderlands is all about chasing that piece of rare loot, and getting it is extremely exciting,” Moxsy said.’
The Goldbergs is a show, and has been on television for 8 years? Learning a lot of new stuff from this post.
im besides myself with the rebuttle “its just a banana man”
Chills chills chills. It’s chills all the way down.
Great story! Did you submit this one before? Sounds familiar.
Holiday disk my FFX-2 saves as well. That one hurt bad lol. Damn you Viewtiful Joe!!!
Amazing. This sounds like the setup for a movie about a curse.
They’re two, they’re four, they’re six, they’re eight
Sequential turbos hauling freight
Big and chrome and forged, it’s true!
They’re the Forced Induction Crew
All with different roles to play
trading goods or pinks the same
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends
Even though the game is not designed for it, I’ve gotten countless hours of entertainment out of Sea of Thieves. Can’t recommend it enough.
Sephora told their part time employees to go fuck themselves. Don’t give them your money.
Sephora told their part time employees to go fuck themselves. Don’t give them your money.
Sephora just fired all of their part time employees in a 3 min conference call. No questions taken or answered. They are cancelled.
Sephora just fired all of their part time employees in a 3 min conference call. No questions taken or answered. They…
I’m not sure what I love more about this comment: That you have managed to take a post that has nothing to do with another team entirely and and make it all about the Eagles somehow, or that you are in here saying the Eagles should have given up on Carson Wentz, after his second (MVP-caliber) season in favor of a…
This is a horrible poem.
without a trace of the General’s signature blend of herbs and spices
Yankee Ghost
“His name is Jock Strap King” and “He’s stronger than you think.”