(Not a Cop)

I thought the Jason Mamoa one was the one that was supposed to have Arnold's Conan as an old fart barbarian (or old barbarian fart).

Sorry to hear that, buddy!

I remember there was a rumor going around that Weinberg quit because Conan was pissed that Weinberg and the band were watching sports during the show or something like that.

Why are there ten embedded videos on this article?

I'm curious to know what everybody's thoughts are on the final exchange.

The way he pronounces "slaughtered".

Next up: Charles Manson's "Look At Your Game, Girl" by Guns N' Roses

Although the matter-of-fact way in which he disposes of Sarah Conners he gets from the phonebook is pretty scary.

Weirdest sock report ever.

In other related news, Jared Fogle is starring in a Woody Allen movie.

I got that beat…

I can tell his contributions to Deltron 3030 and those are kinda clunky. He has a distinct personal sound, but it's just a bit too choppy for me.

The only thing I liked on UNKLE was "Lonely Soul". "Rabbit in the Headlights" is good, with its Danny Aiello samples.

I really love Downtime.

I'm officially an old fart.

Don't take my word for it. I think they were already pretty on-the-fence already with their TV Club coverage.

They're okay.

Other than Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, there's kind of a death of comments. Breaking Bad was the peak of just mentioning Breaking Bad in an article and having 1,000 responses.