(Not a Cop)

I think they just axe the shows, then the writers, then spread the abandoned shows to the remaining writers. So, hopefully, Latoya is picking up the scraps, maybe ending up with a couple of showcase shows.

I don't mean to sound cynical, but O'Neal coming back is probably at the expense of 3 or 4 writers.

David Allen Gruber is going for it.

Funkball season is over.

It's on Friday nights and it's not really a show where you're afraid of spoilers on Monday morning. I wish it success and I'll always catch up on it.

I think anything Mr. Show-adjacent is gonna get covered on AV Club.

Scott can pull off the white shoes look, but whenever I wear white shoes (which I haven't worn since like 2000), the bottom corner of my eye sees the whiteness.

It's idiotic, but I tend to only watch CBB when it's on Netflix. It plays better without commercials and lumped together.

I like how the episode titles can almost be insults.

On the adjusted Top 10, the ones I haven't seen are the ones that were always 2-VHS sets: Gone With The Wind, The Sound of Music, and Dr. Zhivago.

"Like the first puff of one our famous cigars."

Dr. No Strange

Maron's interview with Neil Young was pretty good, even though Maron can be somewhat embarrassing when he admits stuff like "I only heard Expecting To Fly for the first time yesterday".

The sooner HBO gets out of the Martin Scorsese business, the better.

Me Talk Merry One Day

I'll watch it if he murders "The Guy" and takes over his identity.

I remember the Seltzer/Friedberg parody of the opening scene with David Carradine (which was oddly prescient) more than I remember anything from the actual movie.

I think I saw that photo before just assumed it was Zooey Deschanel.