(Not a Cop)

Stealing from Hitchcock goes off better than stealing from John Ford.

Also, there's that rumor that he was a creep and made a move on his own daughter at Farrah's funeral.

Is Bruce Dern good enough to check out Hitchcock's last flick, Family Plot?

My parents rented that movie and I saw it twice in 24 hours.

I really need to see more Walter Hill movies. They seem to never be on TV.

I always approach these threads very lightly, like an FBI guy is reading them.

What's that? I can't hear you!

"i was one of the hosts. i am the person that’s speaking in that video. i am the owner of that periscope account. they were determined to kill us. we were beaten by more than 20 men with pipes in their hands, beer bottles were broken on our heads, i don’t even know how we made it out. i will share the details later

If I can ever-so lightly butt in, perhaps you are too much into media. The internet can be a horrible place to find solace. I find it helps to "log off" for awhile. You can still have your music, still have your movies, but perhaps discover a hobby to take your mind off things.

"If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of bleachers, bleachers I have acquired for being handicapped."

I had turkey for dinner. Am I a psychic?

Holy shit, was he the newlywed who was stoked about WRESTLEMANIA!?!?!

Yeah, did Donald Sutherland in Don't Look Now die a better death?

I don't know who just checked into the hotel for dogs, but I do know who just checked out.

The most knowledgeable summer I ever had was a clueless spring in New England.

Awww, man. I loved her on The Office.

Probably bound by '80s exercise equipment after being tricked by his little brother, Mikey.

Man half drunk eventually eats full pizza.

You just don't have to deal with the empty space at the end of sides and you can maneuver it to fill up 79:59 worth of music.