(Not a Cop)

There were a couple of tapes I was really proud of… I made one with 90 minutes of Beatles songs, and it was the more obvious hits… then, I made one with the others, the deeper cuts, and it turned out really great.

Mix CDs are not as personal because mix tapes, you have to sit there while the song plays at normal speed. I just remember it would be a 2-3 hour time investment.

I said 10CC, not ten ZZs.

I like the mixtape his mom gave him because it's kinda good, kinda shitty.

"Would you greenlight me? I'd greenlight me. I'd greenlight me hard. I'd greenlight me so hard."

Sean Gunn's

What about the 10CC opening?

The styrofoam will decay before the pennies do.

*guy walks bye, flips off camera, as I eat poutine*

Good luck snorting cocaine with these, nerds.

You said Thomas Kinkade twice.


The chicken was delicious, rice.

$20 will get you 1, which has the value of $100, which you can use to buy $5, which has the value of…..

I'm waiting for those Alf pogs to appreciate in value.

Is it too late to adopt you?

The limited edition "Cosby Show" coins dissolve neatly in a glass of water.

The Canadian government no longer plays by the rules. There's a rumor that they're changing the national anthem from "O Canada" to "Sabotage".


Mmm, this shrimp is delicious. Mmm, this pork is to die for.