(Not a Cop)

I needs my oatmeal!

B.D. Wong, you bastard!

Now that he owns a Fleshlight, he comes with any structure!

Are you confusing Sinbad with Goldie Hawn and Steve Martin with Phil Hartman?

She wouldn't be wearing white if she were my fiance.

And Rod Stewart's.

I'd help you pay the mortgage if you gave me one of the rooms to live in.

I think we just found the setting for Neighbors 3.

The second movie was just about his wife and his daughter being pregnant, but it was called Father of the Bride Part 2. It should have been called Fuckers of of the Brides.

He did have that sweet Lion King joke at the Oscars that one time.

It's also where Diane Keaton found her gloves.

Xanderpuss and the Amazing Technicolor Slipknot

Would you download a potato salad?

Potato salad > house

Looks like we got ourselves a little "eccentric billionaire-off".

Yeah, starting a kickstarter to buy a piece of property sounds like it would reach its goal.

If I was an eccentric billionaire, I'd just buy it and burn it to the ground.

Don't worry, there's only 27 more.

Man, I hate it whenever teenage deep fryers succumb to peer pressure.