(Not a Cop)

I wonder if Liev and Naomi ever talk about it in the car.

I've watched some fucked-up videos on LiveLeak, but for some reason, I was just completely turned off by the Hugh Jackman scene that basically opens the movie. I understand the gross-out factor they were going for, but why the fuck wouldn't you make that your closer?

I feel the earth move under my feet.

Just fuck at that looking haircut.

Alanis Morrisette and Chubby Checker are a dance team?

Hell, what's Susan Boyle been up to in the last five years?

I masturbate for the letters to the editor.

I remember being defensive about Lost's ratings, because Fox would pretty much dominate 2.5 nights of primetime. Their hourlong elimination shows were the epitome of hubris.

And maybe The Voice will tone it down a little.

I watch it for the commercials.


One thing I think we can agree upon: posting an image with a wall of text on Twitter is kinda bush-league.

"Show me on the doll where the carving occurred."

I wonder how much Mel Brooks had to do with Alien's sorta-renaissance.

I remember my buddy and I got up at 6 a.m. to walk down to Tower to get tickets and we didn't see anybody for like 3 hours. And then they just created a bunkass lottery system (which would have really screwed the first couple people in line if it started with #5 or something… I forget what bullshit system they used,

Or he remembers his only other notable gig was Rock & Roll Jeopardy.

3M's flags are a better investment

I'm still okay with it, just because now I have a steady backlog and there's second/third/fourth seasons of what I'm accustomed to.

Betty White.