(Not a Cop)

I'm a fighter and a winner. I'm a bad man.

Joe lies when he cries.

Although once you get to a certain point of being rich, there's kinda no excuse to just have a full-time chef/full-time personal trainer. If I had a place with a giant swimming pool, I'd be in great shape.

Any other critiques?

Hang on. Lemme change outta my dress shoes.

I've never metamorphictional character such as you!

Is the gold standard for this trope Roseanne's bathtub weed sequence?

I saw Trainwreck last weekend and did find certain parts to be arousing. Even at the end, she kinda jokes that she's a little out of shape because she's exerting herself physically.

It's okay. You're just a small town girl, living in a lonely world.

Season 32? That's fucking nuts.

Sedimentary, my dear Watson.

Rewinding video tapes was always my favorite "look busy" move.

It was probably too petrified to report the assault.

Demigod Lovato.

Sedona Martin graduates!


The law says I have to abide by your sexual reference.
