(Not a Cop)

I edited. Sorry.

Sorry about the edit.

There’s an old wilderness saying: Take only photographs, leave only footprints. You can clearly see my footprints in the photograph of the robins nest I stomped on last weekend.

Sucker Punch 2:The Conversation::The Godfather II:The Justice League Part 1

She should just stride into court and say "Your Honor, the Butler did it."


Boy's Death

Post-It Mortem

Damacy do. Damacy don't.

Netflix is a katamari.

Death Note: The Note That Eats

Especially on an extermination form.

Don't try suicide. You're just gonna hate it.
Don't try suicide. Nobody gives a damn.

I think Close Encounters and Alien coming out afterwards kinda balanced everything out just a bit.

I remember when Sci-Fi, in its infancy, aired Battlestar Galactica, and just thinking how much it felt like TV's kneejerk reaction to the success of Star Wars.

Dark Star is also pretty good. It gets zany there at the end, but it's a good companion to Silent Running.

Yeah, but there's just a bar that is raised in 1977.

It was another movie based on The Tempest, right?

Soylent Green's farewell and the indoctrination scene in Parallax View are my two favorite dystopian short film montages.