(Not a Cop)

If you notice, it's a twin bed.

The bottom-heavy-ness of it would be a bitch to move. Also, picture somebody whose job it was to lift the shaft.

I bet you were thick as a brick.

There's lot of weird details in that movie.

Or an adaptation of the NES puzzler.


I'll always remember seeing her in The Fly. I believe I was about 8 years old.

I believe that one might be on Mouth Silence.

Has Anne Hathaway ever done Shakespeare?

Do you know how many windbreakers had to die in order to make a coat to fit that man's torso?

I was listening to Neal Cicirega's album last week and slowing it down and isolating them against Enya really throws them into sharp relief.

I can't fault the man who came out with that cheesy song "Winning" back in the '80s.

White Zombie’s Rob Zombie to guest star on the other Rob Zombie’s iThomas

I always picture when you die and get in the long, long elevator down to hell, the doors close, and then that Santana guitar lick kicks in.

Which episode is this? Asking for a friend.

I generally preferred the behind-the-scenes machinations to avoid the actual act by the actual target.

The first time I watched Black Mirror, I gave up about five minutes in, and that was even before the premise was set up.

Fifteen Million Merits is my favorite.

Mr. Show also had that Lance Bangs documentary on Run Ronnie Run that never saw the light of day.