(Not a Cop)

You're Dune the Lord's work, Arundel.

Spielberg's signature is people reacting to seeing something amazing.

Took me forever to see Minority Report and it's pretty good. Tom Cruise really makes it work. But it's kinda like A.I. meets War of the Worlds.

I sat through Terminal on TBS and it's not that bad. It has a certain narrative logic to it, and I think Spielberg certainly makes it fun.

I read the book in anticipation and felt like the movie was a cheap imitation. I was first in line with my friend on that Friday morning, but maybe my problem was that it was too short. I've come to really appreciate it since, and JP2 is proof that maybe less is better.

My favorite is that phantom train that's on fire.

I used to watch Dawson's Creek for Katie Holmes and Michelle Williams, but Dawson always had these lame Spielberg posters up on his wall for Hook and Jurassic Park.

The front half of that movie is certainly the better half.

Vimeo is what you use when YouTube doesn't like something about your video, copyright-wise.

I'm pretty sure Terry McCoy is Sasha Baron Cohen.

You would think R.E.M. would be included on the soundtrack.

Have they tried lube?

But he was a lot of background in helping rescue Timmy whenever he falls down a well.

Because it was a fairy tale?

The Nutcracker Goes Hawaiian


I think that guy is there to sell drugs in the parking lot.

I listened with headphones and it's probably there to make up for the fact that the interviews were recorded in only one fucking channel.

Sandlerman, a Netflix original movie

This is some weird 24 hour news story.