(Not a Cop)

Nor the backstory of the Steve Miller song that was later plagiarized by Spike Lee.


That was the year my parents were gonna go on vacation and I had a big rager planned, but the keg guy showed up early and my dad was like "Unpack the bags. We're not going anywhere." and I called an audible and we had a kickass party at the moon tower and I pretty much disappeared about halfway through the party and

Caitian? Well, that settles it.

*sets phasers to Cosby*

You know who was a Funwich?

They made a movie out of the Shel Silverstein book of poetry?

That's the one about the unregulated meatpacking industry, right?

He looks like the "I like turtles" kid.

I guess you could say the odds of this being any good are about 49/51.

I went to high school with Eric Heisserer and one time he got pantsed by the seniors. Maybe you should also update the story to mention that.


Two cups and an umbilical cord.

Exit light!
Enter Eric Heisserer!
Take the helm!
Off to never-never land!

I stopped listening to The Apple because I never even heard of it and it sounded crazy, but they do such a shit job of doing a synopsis…. it really helps if you've seen the movie.

Even though Saved By The Bell sucks, that must have been a huge regret for that handful of actors who got axed after the first season.

Hang on, man.

There's not mushroom for that negativity around here.

"Dad. It. Up."