(Not a Cop)

I feel like I'm being tricked into joining the Manson Family.

I had that greatest hits album and I generally ignored the back half entirely. There were a lot of cheesy tunes back there.

Dad it Up

I saw a clip where Trump pretty much said the same thing about Marco Rubio's hands, and it's like Trump liked that joke enough to start the debate with it. Like Jim Gaffigan coming out and saying "Hot Pockets!" and then continuing his act.

Despite what you say about Tony Scott, I think Michael Bay still holds the record for cuts-per-minute.

My favorite WTF wipe is from Willy Wonka, when the soap bubble car arrives or whatever.

Oh shit, in college, I had to do an actual film class and we had to edit a short film that we came up with, and I totally did that Dennis Hopper jump-cut thing he did in Easy Rider where it was next-scene/previous-scene/next-scene/previous-scene x 8.

But if you had a big dick, you'd want more leg room.

He made his mistake by jumping on the Will Smith train while it was about to crash into Grand Central Station.

Yeah, I kinda give more credence to people who have been around for awhile, but I have a hard time getting excited for Film 101 shit (the 2001 jump-cut, which seems like it could have been less sloppy every time I see it (why not match the space shuttle with the bone?); the beginning and end of The Searchers, anything

I've seen her in some things, but it just feels like this is one of those Tarantino power-ups.

In summation for the night:

I'm jealous.

He's not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal.

Remember Jimmy Olson in Smallville?

Needlenose Ned?

And his Three Musketeers.

Is this on ESPN?

Hijack: I got the opportunity to watch "Class of 1984", which I hadn't seen in like 25 years, and I remember why I loved it, even on edited TV.

24 is the gold standard for an enjoyable story where after 6 episodes, you can't recall what you saw 6 episodes ago.