(Not a Cop)

I remember when "Paradise Hotel" was on in the summer, I was riveted.

I only hang out with wingmen who change corporeal form.

Mason Crosby.

Terrence Dallas Howard?

What was one one with Skyler and Doctor Who? That one was a test case.

Let's can tomatoes, like we did last summer.

I still think the beginning of "The Happening" is really gripping.

Have you seen "The Dome"?

*throws up all over the Lady of the Lake (aka The Lady in the Water)*

On a serious note, what do you think the influx of one-off seasons of serialized TV say about the common man?

Shyamalan is probably better-suited for a TV show, as he can just kick the can down the road as far as twists.

War Machine of Cups

And Dijimon Hounsou > Pokemon Hounsou


Yeah, at least it's diametrical.

I still appreciate album covers and the minimalism would have worked better without the fucking white space murder.

I bet she's speaking in tongues by the end of it. Probably rambling about buildings and food.

Did that John Lennon album where he says "fuck" get the Explicit Content stamp on it?

There's a national lottery where you pay a dollar and the winner gets the honor of telling him.