(Not a Cop)

It might not be my favorite, but I've found it to have great re-watchability.

I once realized how old my parents were getting when they said they disliked The Big Lebowski. I've really recently noticed how conservative and dismissive they are getting towards a lot of things.

My parents would get VHS's all the time and my brother and I would watch them. I think that was one a 10 year-old could really get into and enjoy because it's so cartoonish, but I think I fell asleep before the end.


My imaginary daughter appreciates Muppets Monopoly on a deeper level than yours.

I feel like it'll be like the beginning of Rocky IV. Except Drago dies and Apollo Creed spends the rest of the movie high-fiving everybody he meets.


I thought she was Jenny from the block, not Jenny on the block.

Shades of Grue

He goes by Caitlyn Kenner now.

Whenever you see a football game on TV, it's usually Canadian football or a college game. Because the NFL either strictly forbids footage of actual football or charges so much for it that it would bankrupt the movie.

You gotta pay the Troell toll

Six Selenas and a movie.

I think the fact that half of the Super Bowl commercials are released on YouTube days before the Super Bowl makes it so the ad agency doesn't have to try as hard.

I remember Art Donovan was a frequent Letterman guest.

I recently started watching Making a Murderer and now I get the hype.

The best part of the Clinton story is the ridiculous aside about the Harrison Ford movie.

The names of regional comedy clubs never ceases to amaze me.

You're better off starting with "My Name is Hannibal" because it's all of his classic bits, some of which get referenced in this special.

"Most Anything You Want" and "Flowers and Beads".